Lori DaCosta is a Mindset Life Coach and creator of Lifestyle with Lori. She helps women find their inner strength and self-assurance to lead the life that they desire.
As a trauma counselor for many years, she discovered the power to tap into one’s resilience and inner strength to overcome those mindset barriers.
Lori started her journey as a fitness coach but soon evolved to something more transformational. She focused on empowering women by providing a secure environment where they can feel encouraged in achieving their goals.
Lori’s holistic framework has been helping more women find their sense of balance in life by reconnecting their minds, body, and spirit and building a foundation to support each stage of life.

Routine | Setting Intentions in a Routine
Some of Lori’s routines that enhanced her focus and made her feel less stressed include:
- Decompressing and releasing energy after the client’s session
- Set an intention for the day
- Plan her upcoming week in advance
- Working out
- Meditation
- Start and end the day with reflection
She has been accustomed to engaging in all these activities for her well-being, which has contributed to her success.
Success may come in different forms, but Lori considers any personal accomplishment, no matter how small, as success. Taking care of things that nourish the mind, body, and spirit helps to achieve that success. A direct success to the routine that Lori has achieved is losing 55 lbs and maintaining that weight loss.
Connect With Lori DaCosta
Website: http://www.lifestylewithlori.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lifestyle_withlori/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/lifestylewithlori1/_created/
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@lifestyle_withlori?lang=en
Hannah Mitrea 0:05
Hello, everyone, this is Hannah, your host, and you are listening to the success is routine podcast. Our show is on a mission to talk to leaders in life and business that have achieved success, and to learn what their routine is, if you are ready to create your routine to success, you’re in the right place. Now let’s get started. I’m so excited to have Lloyd Acosta here on success is routine podcast. She is a mind set life coach and creator of lifestyle with Laurie. And so I’m always so excited to have you on the show. Welcome.
Lori DaCosta 0:37
Thank you for having me. I’m so excited to be here. Yeah,
Hannah Mitrea 0:41
we actually met through Instagram, I saw some posts that you were doing, and I need to have her on the show. I’d love for you to share with our audience, you know a little bit more about you, what’s your story, kind of like? What’s your background with Oreo?
Lori DaCosta 0:53
Well, as you know, as you noted, Hannah, I’m on mindset life coach. And so my role is really to help women tap into their inner strength into that inner confidence so that they can leave their life in a way that they desire. Right? You know, prior to this role, I was a trauma counselor for many years, and income support folks through their healing journey. And through that I really witnessed the power in tapping into your mindset, and really overcoming those mindset barriers and tapping into our resilience and that inner strength. And so is in the recent years that I’ve pivoted from, you know, the trauma work into the life coaching and empowerment work for women, because I think that is so important. And my own journey has also taught me the, you know, the power in mindset work, you know, and as we’ll be discussing further today, you know, my journey kind of started with learning out is what I thought would be a fitness journey, which could really turn into like a huge life transformation. And it was all through the power of mindset, work and routine, have been tapping into our strength and our experiences to kind of get us through and get us typicals. So, you know, that’s a little bit about me is my work is very focused on women empowerment, and tapping into our confidence and our inner strength. And so I’m really, really passionate about that. And I think it’s important that, you know, everyone has a space that they can come to non judgmentally to feel supported in achieving their goals.
Hannah Mitrea 2:23
I love that I love that you’re focusing on the mindset too. Because with everything we do, it comes down to mindset. And being definitely new switch into that mindset to get to the goals we want to go to. You work with trauma before so hmm. Which into this mindset with women? And so did you kind of have a routine in place for all that time? Or like, did you grow up in a world? Like, maybe you’re around your parents had a big routine? What did it look like before you kind of made that switch?
Lori DaCosta 2:53
Mm hmm. So yeah, as you noted, from childhood, you know, I’ve always kind of had a routine and grew up in a household that was kind of very structured, for example, every Sunday, it was like church or family day. And then as a child growing up the school routine kind of thing. So I didn’t always grow up in a household that had a routine. And that was something that was that really resonated with me throughout my entire life. But my routines have definitely changed over the years based on like kind of goals or areas of focus. So my routines at the time when I was doing trauma work was a little bit different. Especially like after doing a counseling session, for example, it definitely very much had a routine of kind of decompressing, so it could release that energy, I was holding kind of the space, the energy in the room. So I would do like a mini meditation Adelaida candle, I’d physically get up and move myself around the room and go on a quick walk and come back before my next session. So that was a routine I had implemented bench really kind of ground myself. And now in the mindset kind of life coaching world, I do have a similar routine. But it’s like it shifted right because it’s a different energy that I’m holding with my clients at this time. So my routine, let’s say after a session, I do the same thing and kind of decompressing releasing the energy that I was holding from that from my client. But I do so in a different way, right, my meditations are a little bit different, my thoughts are a little bit different. But I really like to just kind of lose out that energy in that space with that person. So you know, I do still like to physically get every one of myself on the room when it goes for a brief walk and come back to kind of just reground myself. So that is a routine that I would say has kind of shifted throughout on your rules, but it’s something that I like that I definitely like to do in this role is kind of releasing that energy and and that meditation ground and work is something that’s huge in my routine and has remained consistent throughout our day.
Hannah Mitrea 4:47
I think that’s incredible that you you know working in this trauma world and like there’s so many physicians that are going to deal with high trauma especially when it comes to like therapy and like that. They you found a way to be able to Do not take that with you everywhere you want into your normal life. I think that’s so important. I think that’s awesome that you did that. So you had a routine kind of in your whole life, like, family and everything? What was it like kind of discover that you need to have a kind of routine like this? I need to disconnect. And was it something that you learned from somebody else? Or is there something kind of discovered, hey, I need to find a way to not take this trauma with me, because it’s not my trauma to hold on? Mm hmm.
Lori DaCosta 5:27
Well, it was definitely something that I’ve learned, like, from a young age that I am someone, I’m whipping between an introvert and an extrovert. So I think even from a young age, I always knew that, you know, even at the end of the day, I needed that time just for myself to kind of decompress. So that’s something about myself personally, that I’ve kind of always known. But throughout the years in regards to just kind of, you know, work rules changing and things like that, my routines have definitely shifted, but I’ve learned to do this, especially in that trauma role, you do need to decompress and not take those things home with you. So that was something that was really an ingrained for myself care at the time. But presently, and just kind of throughout my journey, you know, having your routine, it really does help with kind of that self discipline and getting grounded and, you know, having a specific flow to your day. So that is something that is really helped create kind of success for me. And success comes in different forms. But that’s really what has helped kind of implement that success for me. So that is something that I would say, has been a long standing throughout my entire life. But it has shifted kind of depending on where I’m at in my journey at that time. But it’s definitely an important thing, especially my morning and night routines, those are pivotal. And those I would say, haven’t really changed, those have always remained the same. You know, how I start my day and greatly impacts the flow of my day. So that has always remained the same. And so I can close out my day. And so that contains United meditation and gratitude things like underground you. And as I previously noted, kind of tap back into that mindset work, you know, our mind is going a million miles, you know, the entire days. So doing these routines that it is to kind of slow down and decompress, and meditate really allows us to kind of piece those mindset pieces and release what we need to and kind of start fresh. So my morning and night routines have always been a staple. And then the little routines throughout the day have kind of shifted, I would say depending on like my goals or my focus,
Hannah Mitrea 7:29
I love that it’s key stay really consistent for you on the morning and night routines. You know, I went to a bunch of people and you know, sometimes a very, some people are very strict, and they keep the same routine regardless. And other people were like, you know, just kind of flows with them. And it changes as seasons change. Yeah. But it really brings us into like, let’s talk about the routine. And I’ve talked a lot of mindset and grounding and just like meditation. So what is your routine
Lori DaCosta 7:53
in regards to my morning routine, I like to first thing in the morning is we often feel this urge to go directly to the phone. And so part of the morning routine is really trying to just be mindful, mindful of that initial kind of energy that I’m holding and carrying in. So with that, I like to start my morning off with reflection, I really try not to go directly to the phone or anything else that’s going to distract me I like my initial thought to be like just in kind of a grounded thought. So first thing in the morning, I like to just kind of have a moment of gratitude, where I’m grateful, you know, to wake up another day being that moment. And I engage in a moment of kind of meditation or prayer, I kind of read reflections online as well, that kind of just kind of get me to decompress. I like to set an intention for my day, whether it’s something big, you know, if I have an important day ahead, or whether it’s something small, but I like to set an intention or focus you know, so like today I want to be mindful or you know, be mindful might boundaries or take time for self care or wherever that may be. So that is more so my morning routine. It’s just kind of getting my mindset and creating that foundation, I should say for the day ahead. And then my evening routine is definitely another foreign key night decompressing so I read to take a few minutes to kind of meditate, ground myself a lot of breath work, right to kind of just release everything that we’ve been holding on to for the day is part of my nightly routine. I love yoga as well. And part of that might be routine as well is really kind of reflecting on my day, you know, what are my takeaways, what stuck with me, but I want to let go and or perhaps what I want to bring forward into my day ahead. So those are really just kind of part of my morning and evening routines are really kind of a reflection piece. But in regards to my routine throughout the day, I’m very structured. So in regards to like at the beginning of my week, I was basically kind of write out things that I want to do for that week. And I like to carve out a time specifically, you know, for fitness and working out and meditation and gratitude work. So my routine kind of has those staples the morning and evening. And then I like to also carve out time throughout the week to do other things that impact Mind, body and spirit. And you know, fitness and physical movement is a big part of that as well. So those two pieces are the staples and ended piece of throw the men day in the week kind of shift depending on what, you know, my focus or my intentions or my goals are in that week, man.
Hannah Mitrea 10:17
Awesome. And then. So a couple questions. So you talked about having like different fitness things throughout the week sort of this consistent to like you still have like set days to them? Or do you just kind of schedule them. Like where it makes sense, I guess I know.
Lori DaCosta 10:33
In regards to the fitness routine, that is, that is a consistent thing for me, because for me, it was just part of my self care. And so that is a consistent thing throughout the entire week. So I will say that that is definitely a routine and a lifestyle at this point. Those other pieces in my routine just kind of shipped by definitely not a fitness one is is a staple. And so for me, I kind of have these overarching parts of my routine that I like to carry on with me week after week. So I want to ensure that I have time to, you know, kind of tap into those mindset pieces. So I can release things that I need to and reframe for the week ahead, the spiritual pieces as well. So I like to ensure every week that I carve out time to engage in spiritual practices, whether that’s prayer, or meditation, or going for walks or literally going to a mass or something like that. And then that physical piece, you know, that workout piece is something that’s important for me as well. So I would say that those are staples, and part of my routine is what are things that I can do each week that attend to my mind, body, and spirit. And so what I have do to that kind of shifts, or changes, I should say maybe perhaps I want to do a meditation every day, maybe I’ll do prayer instead or something like that. So that kind of changes, the task changes. But the overarching goal of my routine is to attend to things that nurture the mind, body, and spirit. So those are the staples and my routine, week by week. But the actions I decide to take kind of vary throughout the day. That makes sense.
Hannah Mitrea 12:05
Yeah, definitely. The next question I have then so I know you grew up with a routine. And then when you got into teamwork, you had their team then you switch to this mindset and being a mindset life coach. How hard was it to switch that routine? And did you struggle to stick with it? Or is it a fairly easy transition for him
Lori DaCosta 12:25
switching roles as a whole going from you know, trauma work into more kind of empowerment mindset work was a shift. And I think that was just kind of within my own kind of mindset or beliefs and things. So the role itself definitely changed they were acquired some time to kind of adjust into right we’re using a different part of our brain to provide trauma work as opposed to kind of more empowerment mindset work been in regards to my routines and related to like, my professional routines, I wouldn’t say Bill was had remain the same. And the one that is is I like to carve out time for you know, administrative work. So I part of my routine is every Sunday carving out time to kind of map out my week ahead. So that’s definitely routine thing that I like to do now is creating my schedule for the week ahead. So that has been disabled for my previous rule. And now also carving out time as we you know, just recently discussed for that self care, even still after why sessions now with the client, I like to take that time when to decompress, release that energy that I’m building. So that as well is a staple in my routine. Also just kind of those administrative things as you know, being a business owner or working in the marketing world, you know, at the end of each month kind of wrapping up water might have business tools, did I reach those? What do I need to plan for the month and so those are definitely staples in my own routine as well as, at the start of the week kind of mapping out my week ahead. At the end of the week, kind of a slicing, you know, what did I get to when did I achieve? What do I need now you know, to do moving forward and then kind of those end of month routines as well just kind of assessing? Okay, what was this whole line of like and what do I need to do going forward so those are staples in my routine regards to kind of my my professional routines I would say and then those kind of also pull into those kind of self care pieces especially being in and helping support a rule those self care pieces are definitely something that I transitioned from the trauma rule to now
Hannah Mitrea 14:29
I love that you’re definitely putting the routine of planning ahead and so that you know when you get to those places you’re not like oh, what am I doing? I know what to do are you already there? So I know a lot of people struggle with like sticking to a routine and they like something that they start wanting they want to start one stop. So we asked them to had especially as a mindset unlock code Yeah, help somebody stick to that routine.
Lori DaCosta 14:52
My first thing I wouldn’t you know encourages like to start small. We you know, we often want to jump and it’s good to jump all in but you know Start small. So one task at a time, and giving routines or setting up schedules, whatever that may be for you, that feel good for you. And that resonate for you, right. So if doing a one hour workout every single day isn’t something that is actually doable for you, then perhaps planning two times a week, they can do a one hour routine of one day a week that you’re doing a 20 minute routine, or, you know, finding things that feel best for you, I think helped keep us consistent in a routine, and during things that you enjoy. And I think it’s also important that folks at a time in their routines, or in that self care piece, or not enjoying it, people often associate routines to kind of a strange kind of rigid thing. And to have that flexibility, right, Lincoln’s get to be accountable. But to give ourselves that flexibility, I think, for me, has definitely helped with that consistency. And that motivation is, especially when I started out on my fitness journey, there was a lot of that starting and stopping, which was difficult. But what really helped me keep consistent was finding a routine that felt best for me finding a time of day that felt best for me to do my workouts finding, you know, a meal plan that resonated best with me. So for me, I would say the biggest tip would be, you know, doing a routine that feels best and doable for that person. And starting small, right, start small, and then you can add on to the routine as it grows, or eliminating the things as you go that aren’t working for you. So a routine needs to help build and helping them move forward. So if it’s causing anxiety, or feeling too rigid, then that’s not the one for you, right? Kind of reconfiguring and starting again. So that would be my biggest tip is finding something that feels best for you. And start on small.
Hannah Mitrea 16:47
I love that I love it. It’s really focused on you, and like you doing what’s right for you. It’s a function that comes to mind there, there is time. So so often, we’re told get up at 5am, ghetto 7am All those things. But somebody that probably doesn’t have a routine probably is not waking up that early. And so by the time they wake up at eight 910. Yeah, they’re defeated as they’ve already lost it. Like, what’s your advice for you know, what time? Should you be waking up? Does the time wake up truly impacted? As much as we all think it does? Hmm,
Lori DaCosta 17:19
that’s a really good question, actually. Because, you know, in my actually core group, I have, there’s a bunch of us two that are those five and, and folks that like to govern, and there’s those others who kind of just go with the flow. And I think this kind of goes for what I just noted, and finding what works best for you, because that’s what’s really going to help him be consistent. You know, for me, personally, as Bobby M, doesn’t resonate with me as much. But what I would say is, you know, starting, like I said, starting small and starting at a place that feels good for that person. But also being mindful of how you start your day, like if we’re looking at, you know, that the morning routine piece, or you know, what time is the best time to wake up? To start the day, I would say is how are you starting your day? less focused on the time, but how is it that you’re in your day, right? We all know that when we got those mornings that we missed the alarm clock, or we’re rushing to work, and we’re flustered and we forget our lunch or overwhelmed. A pint at our whole day is kind of shot, right. And it holds the energy for how our day lows? So I would say that would be the biggest thing is how is it that you’re starting your day? And especially for folks that are just starting to implement a routine? And how do you want to feel when you start your day? Right, I would start there. And if it’s I want to feel grounded, I want to start off, you know, with a positive mindset, then it’s okay, what things can you do to implement in your theme that’s going to help you feel that way? So that’s more so my perspective on that is no less about that timing of when to wake up to do that, but more so looking at the person and saying, you know, how do you want to feel when you start your day? What would that look like for you? And what are those little things that we can do to help you start feeling that way? To begin across? Right? So yeah, that’s my thoughts on X no less than the five eight ounce wait for a second. But I do see the value in in that as well. Right. So I think it definitely comes down to the person, you know, what is their goal, really? And how is it that they want to feel
Hannah Mitrea 19:15
I loved how your morning routine was so simplistic or something that anybody could really implement? Because I’m wondering like, right for 30 minutes, walk your dog and we’re an hour it was the meditation and setting the intentions for the day. Yes. And you can do that in 1015 minutes. Just needing to wake up at 5am and spend two hours letting your day so I really love the simplicity but the impact is still is gonna be so powerful. Because setting intentions I think, you know, is huge. And it’s something you know, you talked a lot about ascending intent is planning the day hat What is something that really helps you like, figure out your intentions like what should your intentions be? Or how do you set those up?
Lori DaCosta 20:00
That’s actually a really, really good question. I think that comes down, you know, person to person and kind of where you’re at in your journey. And so setting clear intention for the day can be, you know, something small, and just, you know, I want to be mindful today or I, you know, I want to be a little bit more assertive, or I want to attend to my boundaries, like it can be something large, or it can be something small. And I think setting the intention is just allowing us to have that focus throughout our day. And so how do you set the intention? I would just kind of say, you know, what is what is my overarching goal? How do I want to feel for this day? And what what do I want to make my focus and like I said, an intention can be something super simple, you know, today, and just, for some folks, it can be, I want to make sure I’m taking my lunch break, right? Today, my intention is, I want to find that time to take my lunch break and a busy work day. And for other people their intention can be I want to, you know, adhere to my boundaries and engage in insert of communication, or I wanted it, here’s my routine today. It’s just kind of something that gives you a framework for your day. And I think that’s what makes setting an intention in the morning. So powerful, especially for me is on we want to spend at this stage, what is my foundation for my day. And so I think that is the importance in setting the intention, but it can be something big, and it can be something small, though, you know, I would encourage folks to just kind of take a look and say, you know, what is my goal for the day, what I want to be the focus and not put too much pressure on yourself, right? We don’t have to put so much pressure on yourself to make these routines feel. So we want it to feel authentic, you want it to feel like part of you, right? So you know, waking up at 5am, and going for a two hour walk and then doing yoga and you know, having your smoothie is your way to do your morning, then that’s what works for you to set your intention to read your day. But for others, it can be more, you know, as simple smaller things. So for me an intention, I would say is just kind of what is that focus? How do you want to feel for your day? And what is one small thing that you can do? Does that have to be something big, but just something small to get that mindset, right? Setting that intention, or really prepares the mindset for the day ahead. So that would be what I would say, you know, what do you want that focus to be?
Hannah Mitrea 22:11
Matt, thank you for sharing that. Because like when I think of intentions, like I always thought like these big, audacious goals, my intention is to bring in a million dollars, just so I like that you actually brought it back down and made it really simple. Like my intention is to be present, or intending break, versus these huge things that become daunting. You know, makes you not stick to that routine, because you become afraid that you can’t achieve it. So instead of not being able to achieve it, you just ignore it and say not
Lori DaCosta 22:41
exactly, you hit the nail on the head, right? When it seems so big, it seems out of reach. But when we break things down a little bit smaller, for one is easier for us to keep consistent. But it also helps to implement or create a mindset that is more nurturing, right? When we’re overwhelmed. Our mindset starts wandering in all these places, we get that impostor syndrome, we get that inner critic weakened, that you know, all these other things that come up, when we take a small piece by piece that helps to build that mindset, build that self discipline, build that consistency. And also, it’s something that resonates with you like, it’s not something me telling you to do is something that feels right for Hannah or right for Lori, right. So I think that’s the important piece there is doing what feels most aligned for you. And it doesn’t have to be this big, grand gesture. If it is, that’s awesome. But you know, those small steps will lead to the final result. So I think that’s important for me.
Hannah Mitrea 23:37
That’s super powerful. So thank you for sharing all those things, loi and sharing your whole routine with us. But let’s jump over to success now. And, you know, what is your success? And how is your routine brought that success for you?
Lori DaCosta 23:50
Mm hmm. I would say definitely, in regards to like my weight loss journey. That was, you know, one of my biggest successes, I would say, and as I previously noted, you know, success comes in many forms. But that was one of my biggest successes was dropping over 55 pounds, and maintaining that, and my routine, I would say, has helped me maintain that over the last five years or so. And so, my routine in that regard really helped with that success, because I had to be disciplined, I had to carve out that time in my routines, or were fitness and now it has become a part of my life, but starts laying down and nobody comes in various forms. So Success for me is also you know, having a better day that I can come to at the end of the day and saying, you know, I feel accomplished because I did a B or C or I met my intention for the day or you know, help someone in need or I overcame a fear of mine that is also success and so that my routines, you know, my morning routines, or my meditations or my self care routines, or my breathwork routines, those contribute to those successes as well. But I’d say most definitely the most pivotal one or Yeah, you know, most noticeable success, I guess you could say, was definitely the weight loss journey. And my routine contributed greatly to that for sure. And continues to
Hannah Mitrea 25:09
man. And I love how you kind of mentioned there were like, having met your intention becomes a success. And so it is like, not only success is routine, but the routine you create can set you up for success, like, because the little things in it can be like, Oh, I just I achieved what I said I was gonna do this morning, because that was my routine of intention. And now I have success because of it. Exactly. I think that’s really powerful to have those little wins daily, be able to accomplish the bigger successes that you’re going after to achieve that lien. Yeah, no, I love that. And so I have two questions. One of them is, you know, if someone has not had a routine in their life before, they did not grow up around routine whatsoever, what’s that one thing that you need to start doing tomorrow to be able to, you know, set these intentions in their life and create this routine that works for them? Man,
Lori DaCosta 26:03
I would say is what it what are they desiring? What do they want? And that is part of the grand like, we don’t have to dream like I’ve come up with this big thing. But what are they wanting? are they wanting stability? are they wanting work life balance? are they wanting to just feel better? Are they wanting to overcome, you know, a moments of anxiety or depression? So what are they wanting? And using that as a fuel to start engaging in intentional action? Right? So for someone if it’s just, you know, I have no routine, but I just I just want to start feeling better. Okay, what is feeling better look like for you? Is that you know, awning in a 10 minute walk in your day? Is it adding, you know, a moment of meditation? Is it just kind of grounding in breathwork? And so I think that is the biggest thing is finding out what is it that someone longs and creating one small action that they can do each day, right? And then that starts kind of adding, and once we reach to the end of the week, then kind of reflecting back and saying, Okay, what routine can we create with that? You noticed, as I’m sure as Ugandan throughout our conversation, so far, my biggest thing is really starting off small. Right? So what is that one small action we can do today? That seems doable? And then you continue to on and build on that over time. So for someone in cars, no routine knots route start is, you know, how is the time you want to feel? What is it that you want? And what is one small thing you can do each day? Now that seems doable for you and build on that in time bomb? So that would definitely be the starting place. I would recommend first boats.
Hannah Mitrea 27:39
Awesome. Yeah. And it’s something that’s totally doable, starting with one hand while thing and building on it. And really looking at those feelings. I love that. My second question is, so there’s tons of books out there. What is the book you would recommend somebody reading?
Lori DaCosta 27:55
Who I would definitely say the mountain is You by Brianna wiced. Or this is how you heal by brand noise. Her books are amazing, like the mountain is you was a life changer for me, definitely. And she really taps onto or taps into how our own kind of mindset barriers are what read those mountains out in our life or contribute to that, and how do we overcome that. So I would highly, highly recommend that. And she also touches on like, not specifically noting routine, specifically, but she touches on the things that we do in our day to day that contribute to our overall wellness. And that reflects our routines, right? What are those things we add in our day to day that contribute to our overall wellness? And so she touches on that a little bit in that book as well. But I would highly recommend that one, the mountain is You by Brianna Weiss.
Hannah Mitrea 28:49
I pulled it up here because I definitely want to read it this year to beta. Well, it’s been awesome. Well, thank you for sharing all those things. And then for anybody that’s listening, that’s like, hey, I really need someone to help me with my mindset in my life. What is it like working with you, and then who is that ideal person that should be reaching out to you?
Lori DaCosta 29:07
Great. So I support women who are looking to really reconnect with themselves, you know, reconnected their mind, body spirit, so that they can lead their life in alignment and that feels best for them to tap into that inner strength, their resilience, their self awareness, and that’s what we really built throughout the course of our time together is overcoming those mindset barriers, creating a foundation that can nurture them through every season of their life. And really finding that that balance in life that you can lead with alignment that feels best for you. And so when women are working with me I have a 10 week program is called the empowered woman coaching program. It’s a 10 week program that and work closely together, but very auction based, very intentional action. We tap into those mindset barriers we work to reprogram you know those mindset barriers that are holding her stuck. And we really create a roadmap to the journey of becoming or being as empowered woman, and shares for each woman, you know, depending on what their goals are and what they’re going through in your journey and that time, but that is really what work with me is like as we really work together in a non judgmental, safe space to peel back these layers and really find that inner confidence so they can lead their life in alignment. And so folks can find me, you know, on my Instagram, the lifestyle with Laurie, and on there, I break it down a little bit more on my framework, my holistic framework that I use when working with women, but we really need to pump into that Mind, Body Spirit, that old person approach to create, you know, long term success and change. So if anyone is looking for that, so before we tap into that mindset work, but really what I want to do is if folks, you know, the tools for long term success, and really, in our work together, that’s what they get, we work very closely together. So they have that accountability, they have that non judgmental support, but we really create a mindset foundation to create long term success.
Hannah Mitrea 31:09
Awesome. And we will have all the lawyers information in the show notes as well as the emails that go out. So if you’re like, Okay, I need Lorie to help me with my mindset, please reach out to her. I do need. And then Laurie, anything else you want to add? Before we end the show?
Lori DaCosta 31:26
I just wanted to thank you, Kenneth for your time. And, you know, having this podcast as we discussed earlier, you know, when we first started chatting, this is so important, you know, and in bringing these things to life is so important. Because when you create a routine, it really does create success, you know, and when you’re intentional, and when you’re consistent, it creates success. So I think it’s powerful to find a spot or where we can share our story. So I wanted to thank you for creating this platform. And you know, for having me join today and sharing this time together.
Hannah Mitrea 31:58
Thank you so much. And thank you for joining and sharing your team the floor. Thank you so much. It’s been lovely. I look forward to hearing it again. Thank you for listening to success is routine podcast. If you found value in this episode, share it with a friend episodes go live weekly on Sunday at 8am. Every week with the right routine, like follow and review the podcast on Apple podcasts, Spotify, Amazon music or wherever you’re listening during the successes, routine movement and get exclusive downloads and content from the guests go to www that success is routine.com and follow the conversation there or on social media. Until next time, remember finding things
Lori DaCosta 32:36
that feel that for you I think helped keep us consistent in our routine. We’re doing things that you enjoy when it seems so big. It seems out of reach. But when we break things down a little bit smaller, for one is easier for us to keep consistent. But it also helps to implement or create a mindset that is more nurturing. What is my goal for the day what I want to be the focus and not put too much pressure on me. Right? We don’t put so much pressure on ourselves to make these routines feel so we want it to feel authentic. We want it to feel like our interview.